First M.E.D.S. event at VTCSOM a success
March 6, 2020

It was our pleasure to host the Medical Exposure for Diverse Students (M.E.D.S.) experience recently. The program targeted first-year students at Virginia Tech who are among underrepresented groups planning careers in medicine. Some of the weekend's activities included a hands-on lesson in anatomy, ultrasound imaging, and suturing practice.
Congratulations to Karen Sanders, Angelica Stovall, and Karyna Nevarez with VTCSOM for developing the idea and putting in the hard work to see it through. Additional thanks to N.L. Bishop, Melanie Prusakowski, and Andre Dean with VTCSOM and students Varun Karuvu, Michael Shlossman, Lisa Crisalli, and Aaditya Chandrasekar for volunteering their time to help with the event.