OSCE Suites
Welcome to the OSCE Suite! OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Exam. We have 10 patient rooms that are designed to look like the clinical exam rooms students will encounter during their rotations at Carilion Clinic’s hospital and outpatient spaces. Each room is outfitted with two cameras that can record students interacting with standardized patients. The sessions are recorded to allow our faculty and physical teaching associates to view and provide feedback without needing to be present live, if that’s not possible. From the first week of medical school, our students are involved in events in the OSCE Suite. Also, our students are able to review their session to see what went well and what could be improved. We have around 40 active Standardized Patients. Each week, our team trains them on a patient case scenario that will help students learn or be tested on certain skills – from the patient interview to how to perform some patient procedures. Standardized patients allow our students to learn in a controlled, risk-free environment.