Student Lounge and Gym
Positioned right beside the two main classrooms, we have access to a lounge reserved for only student use. Students store food in the fridges, make coffee or tea, and catch up with classmates during lunch. There is a microwave to heat things up, and on occasion, the faculty and staff will leave food behind from events or even fresh veges from their gardens, so always worth scoping it out! Who doesn't love taco platters from Moe's or Dr. Vari's famous hot sauce?
Close beside the lounge and classrooms is a small gym. It’s great for sneaking in a quick workout at lunch or for an evening study break. Spoiler alert! It's especially handy to have a gym nearby during our schoolwide fitness challenge. Look out for details closer to January. The newest additions to our gym [are] two Peloton bikes and no subscription required!
We also have access to the Carilion Wellness facilities – one is located downtown, another is in Southwest Roanoke County about 10-15 minutes from school, and a third in Botetourt County about 30 minutes from school. These are just a few of the many wellness resources we have access to at VTC. We take mental and physical wellness seriously here so you can expect to hear a lot about it.