Phase I (Years 1 and 2)
Phase I begins with orientation, continues for eight consecutive blocks, and provides students with a solid foundation in the four value domains: basic science, clinical science, research, and health systems science and interprofessional practice.
Phase I also includes dedicated time to conduct independent research and to participate in a wide range of interprofessional health care educational experiences.

Year 1 Block Schedule
Normal Structure and Function
Year 1 is focused on normal structure and function. Blocks are eight weeks in duration, followed by a week of exams and an additional week of special studies. There is also a winter break allotted.
Block I
Functional biology of cells and tissues
Interviewing and physical exam I
Fundamentals and foundations of research
Introduction to Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Block II
Human Body I
Interviewing and physical exam II
Research tools
Teaming and leadership
Block III
Human Body II
Interviewing and physical exam III
Research application
Healthcare and public health systems
Block IV
Biology of the nervous system
Interviewing and physical exam IV
Research outcomes
Quality improvement and patient safety
Block I: August - October (8 weeks)
Functional Biology of Cells and Tissues
Cell biology, Histology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Hematological system, Musculoskeletal anatomy, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacokinetics
Interviewing and Physical Exam I
Patient Centered Interviewing, Introduction to the Physical Exam (Musculoskeletal Exam including Ultrasound), Universal Precautions
Fundamentals and Foundations of Research
The Scientific Method, Thinking Like a Scientist Physician, Basic, Clinical, and Translational Research Principles, The Protection of Human Subjects in Research, The Use and Protection of Animals in Research, Research Live, and the Medical Scholar Series
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Systems Thinking, Health Systems Science (HSS) and Population Health, HSS and Leadership in Healthcare Improvement, HSS and Professional vs. Team Advocacy, TeamSTEPPS Overview, Fishbowl Simulation, Academic Differences & Similarities, and Programs of Study and Practice Roles/Scopes
Block II: October - December (8 weeks)
Human Body I
Cardiorespiratory anatomy, Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Early Embryology
Interviewing and Physical Exam II
Patient- and Doctor-Centered Interviewing, Vital Signs, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Exam (including ultrasound), Normal Aging Process, Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Research Tools
Biostatistics and Epidemiology (part I), Research Live and the Medical Scholar Series
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Roles of Team Members, Communication Skills, Academic Differences and Similarities among Professions, Community Service, Healthcare Team Leadership
Block III: January - March (8 weeks)
Human Body II
Abdominopelvic anatomy, GI Tract, Liver and Biliary, Renal, Endocrine, Pharmacology, and Reproduction
Interviewing and Physical Exam III
Patient- and Doctor-Centered Interviewing (Personal & Social Histories), Abdominal Exam (including ultrasound), Male and Female Genitourinary Exams, Breast Exam, Sexual Development, Obstetrical Exam (including ultrasound), Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Research Application
Biostatistics and Epidemiology (part II), Research Live, the Medical Scholar Series, research mentor and project selection
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Sources of Data and Leading Causes of Death, Population-Based Diets & Clinical Nutrition, Social and Structural Determinants of Health, Integration of Public Health and Health Care Delivery, U.S. Healthcare Delivery System, Organizational Ethics and Professionalism Issues in Health Systems Science, and Medico-Legal Issues in Health Care
Block IV: March - May (8 weeks)
Biology of the Nervous System
Nervous system anatomy, Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Special Sensory Structures
Interviewing and Physical Exam IV
Patient and Doctor Centered Interviewing (Review of Systems), head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat (HEENT) and Dental Exam (including ultrasound), Mental Status Exam, Neurological Exam (including ultrasound of spine), Pediatric Development, Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Research Outcomes
Research prospectus preparation and presentation, the Medical Scholars Series
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Clinical Informatics & HIT, Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, Application of Foundational Skills to Health Systems Science, Introduction to Patient Navigation
Research (3 weeks)
Break (4 weeks)
Year 2 Block Schedule
Abnormal Structure and Function
Year 2 is focused on abnormal structure and function. Blocks are six weeks in duration, followed by a week of exams and an additional week of special studies. There is also a winter break allotted.
Block V
Fundamentals of pathobiology
Interviewing and physical exam V
Research project
Health systems science
Block VI
Pathobiology of the human body
Interviewing and physical exam VI
Research project
Ethical and legal issues in healthcare
Block VII
Pathobiology of the human body II
Interviewing and physical exam VII
Research project
Public health and health policy
Block VIII
Pathobiology of the human body III
Interviewing and physical exam VIII
Research project
Public health and health policy
Block V: July - August (6 weeks)
Fundamentals of Pathobiology
Cells and Tissues, Necrosis, Neoplasia, Inflammation, Immunological Diseases, Infection, Microbiology, Virology, Skin Disorders, Therapeutics
Interviewing and Physical Exam V
Clinical Skills Review (Complete History & Physical Exam), Fundamentals of Case Presentation I, Health Promotion & Disease Prevention, Adult Immunizations, Dermatology Exam (including ultrasound), Medication Adherence, Motivational Interviewing I, Clerkship Competency Series: Gown & Glove, Universal Precautions, Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Individual Student Research Project
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Overview of Health Systems Science, Human Factors in Healthcare/Patient Safety, On-Site Shadowing of Inpatient Nursing, High-Fidelity Simulation Scenario, Boots on the Ground: Community Lessons in Leadership and Change Agency
Block VI: September - October (6 weeks)
Pathobiology of the Human Body I
Pulmonary, Heart and Vascular Disease; Hematology, Therapeutics.
Interviewing and Physical Exam VI
Fundamentals of Case Presentation II, Motivational Interviewing II: Smoking Cessation, Exam Findings in Cardiopulmonary Disease, ECG and Chest X-ray Interpretation, Clerkship Competency Series: ABG's, Venous Blood Draws (including ultrasound guided), Oxygen Therapy, Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Individual Student Research Project
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Ethical Principles in Healthcare, Model of Decision Making, Legal Aspects of Medical Practice, Codes of Ethics, Workplace Ethics, Moral Courage, Autonomy, Dignity, Veracity, Distributive Justice, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Ethics Health Care Team Challenge, Boots on the Ground: Community Lessons in Leadership and Change Agency
Block VII: November - December (6 weeks)
Pathobiology of the Human Body II
Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract, Endocrine, Liver, Pancreas, Renal, Male and Female Genital and Urinary (GU) Systems, Breast, Microbiology, Virology, Therapeutics
Interviewing and Physical Exam VII
Fundamentals of Case Presentation III, Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine; Menstrual, OB & Sexual History; Exam Findings in GI and GU Disease (including ultrasound findings), Review: Breast Exam, GU Exams; Clerkship Competency Series: Nasogastric Tube, Foley Catheter; Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Individual Student Research Project
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Didactics and small group sessions on public health and health policy, Boots on the Ground: Community Lessons in Leadership and Change Agency
Block VIII: January - February (6 weeks)
Pathobiology of the Human Body III
Head and Neck Medicine, Skeletal muscular system, Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and Therapeutics
Interviewing and Physical Exam VIII
Fundamentals of Case Presentation IV; Exam Findings in head, ear, eyes, nose and throat (HEENT), Dental, Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal Diseases (including ultrasound); Mental Status Exam II, Clerkship Competency Series: Suturing & Wound Care, Lumbar Puncture (including ultrasound); Introduction to Electronic Medical Records; Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
Individual Student Research Project
Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
Didactics and small group sessions on public health and health policy, Boots on the Ground: Community Lessons in Leadership and Change Agency