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VTCSOM Residency Match History

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine participates in the National Residency Match Program (NRMP) also known as "The Match." While graduation is a momentous occasion for our students, Match Day, which takes place the third Friday in March, is arguably much more anticipated by our graduating classes. 

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[Dean Lee Learman]: Welcome to the Barbie themed VTCSOM Class of 2024 Match Day celebration.

[Aubrey Knight, senior dean for student affairs]: And in the spirit of Ken, we are trained to stand confidently here. Securing a residency spot is not a foregone conclusion. But I'm pleased to inform you that 100% of our graduates have matched into residency positions.

[Carney Jo Flinn]: It was very nerve wracking, but we couples matched, so we're very happy that we both matched at Vanderbilt University for internal medicine and emergency medicine, for myself.

[Vemmy Mesutnan]: I'm going home and be doing anesthesia at University of Southern California.

[Brandon Ganjineh]: I'm doing OB-GYN at UC San Francisco. My day's really great. I just matched to my number one program, so I'm very happy about that.

[Lauren Canary]: Doing family medicine. And we're staying right here at Carillon. So happy, thrilled. And my wife is thrilled. I love Roanoke. We don't want to leave yet, so we're really excited to get to stay. Really excited.

[Martin Barylak]: Sure, I'll be going back to Boston to do physical medicine rehabilitation. Harvard, Spaulding.

[Alexandra Miner]: VA Neurosurgery at George Washington University in D.C.

[Caroline Mebane]: Child Neurology at UNC-Chapel Hill.

[Daniel Purcell]: I'm going to Emory University for Pediatrics.

[Abhishek Bhutada]: Neurological surgery right here at Virginia Tech, Carilion.

[Miles Thomas]: Internal Medicine, University of Chicago. We're really excited to hear that everyone had matched. I think that's the most important thing. That as a class you know, we know we all can take that next step in our career.

[Carney Jo Flinn]: It's so wonderful to see everyone get to celebrate because I've seen my classmates work so hard the last four years.

[Brandon Ganjineh]: I'm so proud of everyone and looking around to see your friends are happy and then they're going know where they're supposed to be. It's such a good feeling.

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[Dean Lee Learman]: Class of 2023. I can speak for the entire school when I say, we are so proud of you, we are brimming with excitement and we are confident in your success as residents and in your careers in medicine to follow. 

[Aubrey Knight, senior dean for student affairs]: Match Day is arguably more eagerly anticipated than graduation for the 43 people that are sitting before me. I'm pleased to inform you that 100% of the class of 2023 have matched into categorical residency positions. 

[Video sound of students counting down]: five four three two one. Students cheering as they open their envelopes. 

[Dean Learman]: We're just so proud of our class of 2023. 100% match rate. Over ten per cent staying right here at Carilion VTC. I can't tell you how joyous I am about these outcomes. 

[Aubrey Knight]: Literally the places they matched or a who's who in a well-respected academic medical center. 

[Oscar Alcoreza]: We're going to Brigham. 

[Aubrey Knight]: It is an incredible match. A new bar has been set by this class.

[Chukwuemeka Uwakaneme]: It's just hard. It's hard to describe, honestly, this is one of the first times I'm at a loss for words. 

[Satya Vedula]: I'm speechless. I'm excited. I couldn't have asked for a better place to go. 

[Shashank Somasundaram]: I am over the moon. I never thought it was going to happen, but I'm so excited. 

[Alyssa Vassallo]: It's still soaking in. It still feels very surreal right now. 

[Rebekah Sayre]: I don't think I could have gone any better.

[Musical interlude with students sharing their match signs]

[Aubrey Knight]: Congratulations class of 2023 on matching, and matching, so well. I'm so proud of you.

[Music with various shots from Match Day]

[Dean Learman]: This is our first Match Day in three years that we have guests, family members.

[Parth Vaidya]: It's an incredible experience. Nothing will beat having that moment in person with your friends and your family and all who supported you throughout this entire journey. And so I'm so happy. That we were able to be back in person this year.

[Aryo Sorayya]: Feeling good, feeling good!

[Musical interlude with shots of students being handed their envelopes]

[Aubrey Knight]: I'm ready to party like it's 1920.

[AUDIENCE]: 3-2-1

[Brandon Temel]: It's a little bit more anxiety, you know, hoping you get what you want, that your partner's getting what they want, and together.

[Michaela Pesce]: Yea, so we both screamed and then looked at the other person's envelope.

[Brandon]: Just to make sure they were screaming also. And thankfully at the end we matched up with the place that we wanted to be most and that's, that's where we matched. So couldn't be happier.

[Michaela]: We're very lucky!

[Musical interlude with shots of students celebrating with their families and friends as they share their matches]

[Jacob Hartman-Kenzler]: I just can't say how excited I am for everyone and, you know, to have a place to be for the next stage in our careers. And it's just it feels like it feels like the culminating point to so much hard work to be able to share this with all. Of our best friends for that from the last four years is just incredible.

[Musical interlude with students pinning their flags on the Match Day map]

[Aubrey Knight]: This Match Day was an incredible success. It was a success because 100% of this class of 2022 matched and because they matched into very, very prestigious programs. Across the country.

[Music with video vignettes of match day]

[Giovanni Malaty, president, class of 2021]: Match Day is really a day, you know, for students. It's a day to celebrate. They've worked really hard it should be a celebration. The zoom quarantine theme is something that we thought you know our class would really like. Having just come off of these virtual interviews where you know the colloquial outfit is you know a shirt and tie with a jacket on top and maybe being in your sweatpants and flip-flops on the bottom so we just saw it as an opportunity to say you know this is kind of a stressful day but we can make it kind of fun.

  • [Student 1]: I will be going to Phoenix, Arizona and doing neurology at the Barrow Neurological Institute.
  • [Student 2]: I'll be heading to the great nation of Brooklyn, New York and doing psychiatry at St. John's.
  • [Student 3]: I'll be doing pathology at the Cleveland Clinic. 
  • [Student 4]: West Coast, best coast going to Seattle for my pediatrics residency.

[Ryan Perry, class of 2021]: [Announces: I'll be doing residency right here at Virginia Tech Carilion.] It was a privilege to stay here with them. I was born actually in community hospital here so I'll get to operate in the hospital in which I was born so happy to stay around.

  • [Student 5]: Doing internal medicine at the University of Virginia.
  • [Student 6]: I'm going to Boston.
  • [Student 7]: Categorical internal medicine at the University of California Irvine.

[Lauren Cashman, class of 2021]: When you're a triple Hokie because I did undergrad, master's, and now med school it just kind of gets ingrained in you. [Announces: I matched into pediatrics at the University of Virginia!] Oh my gosh. I'm going to have to confront the idea of being a Hoo, but I ranked them as number one on my list immediately after the interview was over.

  • [Student 8]: General surgery at UCSF Fresno.
  • [Student 9]: I will be doing OB-GYN at Wake Forest.

[Adenike Adenikinju, class of 2021]: It was so nerve wracking these past couple days. I've been having nightmares and getting up in the middle of the night just wondering where I'll be but the anticipation was well worth it. [Announces: I matched pediatrics at VCU.] I'm super excited to know where I'm going. It's such a great step to actually finally be able to plan things and I'm just really excited to start that next step.

[Giovanni Malaty]: Class of 2021, I could not be more proud of you. You're all going to just go out and rock it and I'm so happy to have shared this moment with you. 

Past Match Day Ceremonies