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Advancing Educational Scholarship at VTCSOM

The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) is committed to fostering excellence in medical education through scholarly engagement and professional development. Our Office of Educational Affairs supports faculty in their pursuit of educational scholarship by offering prestigious opportunities that recognize, develop, and enhance teaching and learning innovations.

Harvard Macy Institute Professional Development Opportunity

VTCSOM, in collaboration with Virginia Tech Carilion/Carilion Clinic, offers a fully-funded opportunity for faculty educators committed to advancing their careers in medical education. Two selected faculty members will attend the Harvard Macy Institute’s "Educators in the Health Professions" course, a premier program designed to enhance teaching, leadership, and scholarship in medical and health professions education.

Scholarship in Education Award

The Scholarship in Education Award recognizes faculty members who have made significant contributions to medical education through innovative teaching, curriculum development, and the creation of shareable academic resources. This award is not competitive but criterion-based, ensuring that all submissions meeting the standards of high-quality educational scholarship are recognized.