Applying for Appointment

The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine faculty members are appointed in one of three tracks: tenure, tenure to title or non-tenure. Only faculty who are employed by Virginia Tech are currently eligible to be appointed in the tenure track. A prospective new faculty member should discuss the most appropriate track and rank with the department chair (or designee), based on personal interests and the needs of the department.
Faculty Rank in the Tenure and Tenure-to-Title Tracks:
- Faculty members given a primary appointment to the medical school in the tenure and tenure to title tracks are appointed at the ranks of professor, associate professor or assistant professor
Faculty Rank in the Non-Tenure Track:
- Faculty members given a primary appointment to the medical school in the non-tenure track are appointed at one of the following ranks, depending on personal interests, needs of the department and assigned duties:
- Professor, associate professor or assistant professor
- Clinical preceptor
- Senior instructor
- Instructor
- Visiting faculty
Candidates Seeking a Faculty Appointment
Application Requirements for Faculty Appointment
Candidates seeking appointment to the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine should review the above requirements and guidelines.
Initial Faculty Appointment Application Packet
This packet should be reviewed, completed, and submitted by the faculty candidate to his or her department chair. Electronic completion and submission is preferred.
Curriculum Vitae Guidelines
This document provides guidance on how to properly submit an academically-focused CV in the required medical school format.
New Faculty Orientation
All newly appointed faculty members must complete a faculty orientation session within six months of receiving their appointment. The goal of this experience is to introduce the candidate to the academic mission of the medical school and to create awareness of the variety of resources available to faculty members.
Sessions occur once per month either at the medical school building (2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA 24016) or via Zoom. A variety of times and dates will be provided to the new faculty member at the time of their appointment.
VTCSOM Faculty Affairs Orientation 2025 Schedule
Contact the faculty affairs office for further information about the orientation process.
Accessing Virginia Tech Systems
After your appointment has been approved and activated you will receive a 9-digit VT ID number. You will need that number to activate your Virginia Tech Personal Identifier (PID).
It is important to set up your VT PID and email account as soon as possible so you will be able to access library resources and to access computer resources such as Zoom, Canvas, Elements, and the university’s learning management system.
Please note: You will not have a full VT PID until you complete all 3 of these steps: (user name, password, and 2-factor authentication). Please choose your username carefully, because you cannot change it once it is established.