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Training Opportunities

VT Office of Research and Innovation Resources

The office of sponsored programs provides several training and development resources for research and department personnel.

On-Demand Resources

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Training Programs

Events in Research Development Series focus on different facets of sponsored research, from sponsor-specific perspectives to how to work with partners. This series is designed to address the most common questions and issues that researchers at every career level encounter.

ORI has partnered with external organizations to provide access to on-demand resources and training. 

Hanover Research

Their Grants Learning Center offers self-paced training including skillbuilding on topics like concept development and resubmission, and tailored tutorials on the NSF CAREER and NIH R-series grants. For an access code, email Eleanor Nelsen; You can also register to receive their weekly Grants Alert emails and monthly webinar invitations via the link here.

Publication Academy

These video tutorials are available as Canvas courses: 

Other VT Training Resources

Sponsor Resources