Rebekah Sayre

I have seen a forest fire
spread out and call
itself home
I know
how it feels to watch
a fertile river valley
What does the river call the torched embers?
At what point does it contemplate mortality?
I have dragged a firebreak
across the soil
a final prayer
I’ve heard
the deathly echo of
“for all to live, some will
What do the trees cry out for as they are consumed in flame?
Does it hurt, waiting for the rain to come?
I have stood atop scarred earth
the broken bones
the ashen air
I too have felt
the despair of the unknown
How long does it take for the first bud to bloom again?
Can anything still call this home?
And I have stood again in lushness
bold rebirth
inextinguishable life
But beneath
the dappled sunlight
I’ve heard it in still
What if the flames return?
What if the flames return?