Curriculum Modifications for AY 2024-25
The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) will be implementing several curricular modifications, primarily for the pre-clerkship curriculum, beginning in academic year 2024-2025. These changes have been approved by the VTCSOM curriculum governing committees. Based upon an evidence-based review of curricular and learning outcomes and a year-long Strategic Planning process that included contributions from numerous groups, including medical students, the changes will accelerate the growth of our learners towards desired outcomes.
VTCSOM Medical Education Mission Statement:
To inspire a community of learning that embraces unique learner characteristics and cultivates lifelong learners and health systems thinkers positioned to improve healthcare through inquiry and humility.
We seek to accomplish this through three synergistic identities:

Scientist Physician – a physician who has the ability to integrate clinical medicine and scientific inquiry and research, bridging the gap between bench sciences and direct patient care.
System Citizen – a physician leader who uses a systems thinking mindset in their professional role to develop and use the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the holistic needs of patients, populations of patients, and health systems to achieve the best outcomes.
Lifelong Master Adaptive Learner – a physician who possesses skills and qualities of learning, adaptability, ability to thrive in changing environments, and ongoing personal and professional development, all of which lead to the necessary adaptive expertise to accommodate new knowledge and address novel challenges in healthcare environments.
Goals of Curricular Changes
- To enhance alignment of the curriculum with patients’ needs in clinical settings
- To optimally integrate all curricular components to facilitate improved learning
- To immerse students earlier into clinical settings and with clinical faculty
- To promote development of self-directed, lifelong learning skills
- To better prepare graduates with the skills and mindset necessary for their transition to residency
What is Changing?
- Pre-clerkship class hours will be at the national mean of other US medical schools
- Pre-clerkship curriculum will end by January of MS2 year (previously April)
- Additional educational experiences in Phase 3 (after clerkships) to allow for more:
- Career development and exploration opportunities
- Coaching and relationships with faculty from students’ target specialties
- Developmental skills in acting internships and electives
- Holistic assessments of learner knowledge, skills, and attitudes
What Stays the Same?
- Our focus on community and small-group learning and close faculty-student interactions
- Our cornerstone method of learning - Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Our focus on research and inquiry with longitudinal, mentored research projects
- Our four curricular domains: basic science, clinical science, research, and health systems science and interprofessional practice