Strategic Plan
The VTCSOM Strategic Plan will guide our medical school into a vibrant future. In collaboration with our parent university (Virginia Tech), our health system partner (Carilion Clinic) and other community stakeholders, we will understand the challenges and opportunities we face as a medical school and respond with a comprehensive plan to achieve feasible, sustainable and measurable objectives.
(VT credentials required)

We recently published a hard copy of the VTCSOM Overview and Strategic Plan.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine will be a destination for innovators who aspire to establish the nation’s premier model of 21st century medical education. Through collaboration with our health system and community partners and anchored by the Virginia Tech motto of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), we will create transformative medical education and research promoting world-class clinical care.
To prepare physician thought leaders through innovations in medical education and cutting-edge discovery to improve the health of our communities and transform health care.
Core Values
Collaboration and Excellence
We commit to collaborative excellence in all facets of academic life. We work within transdisciplinary and interprofessional teams as educators, clinicians, and scholars to deepen existing and forge new relationships with our health system and university partners, as well as community leaders and organizations. We strengthen and preserve our commitment to a learning environment that emphasizes well-being and features supportive relationships between our learners and those who teach and mentor them.
Innovation and Discovery
We commit to a continuous process of innovation and discovery to build knowledge and paradigms for improved health and transformative health care. We focus on excellence in scholarship including teaching, research, and the implementation of evidence-based delivery of care and lifelong learning.
Inclusive Excellence
We commit to being a continuous learning organization that recognizes inclusive excellence and cultural competency as essential. While affirming our common humanity, we expect our learners, staff, and faculty to be sensitive to and respectful of the inherent dignity and worth of each individual in our community. We embrace innovation in the pursuit of an inclusive environment that values open expression and mutual respect so that all may thrive.
Humanism and Compassion
We commit to humanism and compassion as essential for achieving learner-centered education, patient-centered care, and the enhancement of well-being and success for all. Using the art and science of medicine in the spirit of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), we commit to creating a more compassionate and just society.

University Priority One: Advance Regional, National, and Global Impact
Goal One: Strengthen Innovative and Collaborative Research to Positively Impact the Health of our Communities and Beyond
Goal Two: Optimize the Programs of VTCSOM to Educate Scientist Physicians who will Improve Health and Transform Health Care
- Increase number of submitted external grant proposals by 15%
- Increase number of peer reviewed faculty publications by 15%
- Maintain the number of publications by VTCSOM medical students of their primary research project at the level of 25% within three years of graduation
- Increase medical student class size from 49 to 56 per class
- Develop improved infrastructure and support for research, including internal processes for protected time for faculty engaged in research
- Expand and diversify collaborative research opportunities for medical students, graduate students, residents/fellows and other learners
- Encourage multidisciplinary collaboration and authorship for publications involving VTCSOM medical students
- Develop a transdisciplinary center of excellence focused on Healthcare Innovation and Implementation Science*
- Explore a formal MD/PhD program based in Roanoke and connected to VT campuses in Blacksburg and northern VA
- Explore a certificate of distinction in Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
- Explore the establishment of a new Master’s degree in Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practice
- Explore research processes across VT, VTCSOM, FBRI, RUC and Carilion Clinic to promote collaboration and communication*
- Identify the feasibility and timeline for expanding the medical student class size, including needed infrastructure, funding sources and staffing
*Aligns with Carilion Clinic Vision 2025 Strategic Plan
University Priority Two: Elevate the Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) Difference
Goal Three: Support Inclusive Excellence Across the VTCSOM Community
Goal Four: Deepen our Engagement with our Regional Communities through Service
- Increase representation of URM medical students to 15%
- Increase representation of URM faculty to 12%
- Increase representation of female faculty to 45%
- Increase representation of URM staff and A/P faculty to 15%
- Increase the number of staff within the Office of DEI by 50%
- Achieve 90% positive response (agree or strongly agree) on VTCSOM learning environment survey item pertaining to valuing diversity and inclusion
- Increase opportunities for faculty to participate in community service programs using the community learning exchange (CLE) model
- Achieve greater levels of representational diversity among medical students, residents/fellows, faculty and staff
- Expand diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to ensure a comprehensive and systematic approach that positively impacts all under-represented groups
- Build partnerships with community organizations to reduce health disparities
- Facilitate collaboration on community health issues utilizing community learning exchange strategies
- Implement new educational and professional development training requirements pertaining to diversity, equity and inclusion
- Work with Carilion Clinic and other organizations to establish new community health clinics including a mobile outreach program*
- Increase awareness of the impact of VTCSOM to our region through expanded marketing strategies
*Aligns with Carilion Clinic Vision 2025 Strategic Plan
University Priority Three: Be a Destination for Talent
Goal Five: Establish VTCSOM as a Destination of Choice for Medical Education, Employment and Professional Development
Goal Six: Promote Success and Retention through our Organizational Culture
- Ensure equity in compensation for VT-employed faculty and staff by use of AAMC and other appropriate benchmarks
- Successfully recruit 10% of each VTCSOM graduating class to locate in Virginia for clinical practice
- Successfully recruit 5% of each graduating class of VTCSOM to categorical residency at VTCSOM/Carilion Clinic
- Retain clinical faculty at the 94% level or better over 5 years
- Meet or exceed the 50% percentile nationally on AAMC graduation questionnaire item pertaining to how faculty teach and demonstrate professional behaviors
- Achieve 90% positive response (agree or strongly agree) on VT climate survey item pertaining to current practices for retaining faculty and staff.
- Expand involvement of our alumni and internal and external community partners in recruitment efforts for medical students, residents/fellows, faculty and staff
- Foster an appreciative culture that values the contributions of all and rewards excellence
- Recruit VTCSOM alumni to become Carilion Clinic physicians and VTCSOM faculty*
- Use the results of climate surveys to continually address key metrics pertaining to retention and well-being for medical students, residents/fellows, faculty and staff
- Expand health care career outreach programs for elementary, middle and high school students
*Aligns with Carilion Clinic Vision 2025 Strategic Plan
University Priority Four: Ensure Institutional Excellence
Goal Seven: Secure and Expand the Philanthropic Financial Resources of VTCSOM
Goal Eight: Enhance the Overall Learning Culture and Environment of VTCSOM
- Achieve $20 million in philanthropic giving to VTCSOM, including $500K allocated to a new scholarship fund focused on diversity, equity and inclusion
- Increase distribution of financial aid resources to students in defined diversity groups by 15%
- Finalize the plan for enrollment growth and identify needs/expenses/revenues for total enrollment of 56 per class/224 total students
- Complete capital planning for new medical school/education building(s)
- Incrementally improve from baseline metrics pertaining to satisfaction with communication
- Incrementally improve from baseline metrics pertaining to the utilization of and satisfaction with technology
- Broaden overall philanthropic efforts in coordination with the ongoing Virginia Tech development campaign
- Develop physical campus infrastructure needed to support class size expansion
- Expand available resources for student scholarship funding and financial advising
- Maximize communication through development of cross-institutional processes with Carilion Clinic, VT, FBRI and RUC
- Collaborate with academic health center partners to enhance information sharing and technology utilization*
- Collaborate with academic health center partners to create a more unified academic health center to impact the health and economic vitality of our region and beyond*
*Aligns with Carilion Clinic Vision 2025 Strategic Plan