Phase II (Years 3 & 4)
Phase II includes clerkships in two- four- and six- week rotations during the third year, and clinical experience in electives during the fourth year. Both years are integrated with continuing education in research and health systems science and interprofessional practice.
The basic science taught in the first two years of the medical school’s curriculum prepares students to enter into the more formal clinical phase in their third and fourth years. The Clinical Science Value Domain in Phase II was thoughtfully designed to be integrated, allowing the various departments to collaborate toward an enhanced experience for students.

Year 3 Overview
Most of Year 3 is spent with clinical faculty who are largely members of Carilion Clinic. Students complete a year of required clerkships consisting of six‐week rotations in the core clinical disciplines (internal medicine, surgery, family medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, and OB/GYN) and two‐week rotations in radiology and neurology. Research continues to be integrated into the clerkship year with a dedicated four-week block. In addition, there are four weeks available for electives, or Emergency Medicine, which may be taken in Years 3 or 4.
Year 4 Overview
During Year 4, students complete a four‐week required clinical experience in emergency medicine (if not done in Year 3) as well as electives that must include one medical subspecialty, one surgical subspecialty, and one ICU/critical care rotation, each for two weeks. There is a required two-week research rotation, which can be lengthened for students whose research requires additional time. International rotations are also offered. There is also generous flexible time for interviewing for residency programs and vacation.
Integration of Value Domains
While the clinical sciences are prominent during Phase II, threads from each of the four value domains are woven into the experience. Students are brought together on two Friday afternoons per six‐week block to continue to integrate the four educational value domains. The planning and implementation of the content of these “domain days” sessions is rotated among the various domain leaders and core clinical departments.
Phase II ends with "Transition to Residency II,” in which students are provided information on current updates in basic sciences, debt repayment and financial aid issues, residency preparation suggestions, legal issues, and new educational developments at the medical school. Students also present their research projects during this week.