Healthstorian Mobile Audio Booth

The Healthstorian is a vintage style camper that has been retrofitted as an audio booth. This mobile “storycorps” camper will go a long way in documenting the history of healthcare and of the health in our community and neighborhoods.
The project is a result of collaboration between partners VTC School of Medicine, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, Radford University Carilion, Carilion Clinic, City of Roanoke Libraries, and several departments at Virginia Tech; especially VT Library System and VTStories, a program dedicated to preserving Hokie history.
[David Trinkle, associate dean for community and culture]: Healthstorian is an oral history project documenting the history of healthcare in the Roanoke Valley. We are doing that in a very fun way. We've got a mobile oral history audio booth that's in a vintage style camper. We'll be able to go out to neighborhood to the hospitals and we're definitely going to do festivals and we just hope the document everybody's story about how the community has impact that their health and about how healthcare is impacted their life.