Opening Minds Through Art
[Annette Clark]: Another story that I wanted to tell you about was a man that that lived in the area. His wife was an artist, but as she had journeyed through the disease her communication and her interest in art had certainly waxed and waned and she had she had not painted in a long time. So him bringing her to the Arts Fusion program was a stretch. And I said "give it a try, we'll just see how it goes."
And when he brought her that very first time she looked at that that piece of art and the docent said "why do you think the artist used red?" and this artist just... oh the amazing conversation that evoked from just that one question was phenomenal. Her husband stood behind me with tears streaming down his face. I have cold chills telling you the story because I was so moved by it.

All of these extraordinary paintings are created by people living with dementia and participating in the "Scripps Gerontology “Opening Minds through Art” (OMA) program" presented by Art for the Journey in Richmond, VA.
Gallery Three
This gallery contains approximately 30 abstract images created by Alzheimer's patients through the OMA (Opening Minds Through Art) program. Where known, each image is titled and attributed to the artist.

Art for the Journey partners with Dr. Lokon in providing a certification practicum to certify OMA facilitators across the USA.