Opening Minds Through Art
[Taylor Lee]: I think the the thing that we kind of pull from using art to connect with individuals who are living with a form of dementia is that it can be used in any way that they would like it to be so there's no right or wrong answer as it relates to art and and everybody can have a different expression you know as to how they use art.
[Annette Clark]: The whole focus is to keep people engaged in life even though they have dementia they need to remain engaged in life and live their best life.

All of these extraordinary paintings are created by people living with dementia and participating in the "Scripps Gerontology “Opening Minds through Art” (OMA) program" presented by Art for the Journey in Richmond, VA.
Gallery Four
This gallery contains approximately 30 abstract images created by Alzheimer's patients through the OMA (Opening Minds Through Art) program. Where known, each image is titled and attributed to the artist.

Art for the Journey partners with Dr. Lokon in providing a certification practicum to certify OMA facilitators across the USA.