New Public Health Guidelines for VTCSOM

Dear VTCSOM Community,
Effective today, June 2, 2021, the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine will follow Virginia Tech guidelines that relax masking, distancing, and gathering restrictions in certain areas. Virginia Tech is aligning with the Governor’s Executive Order 79, which further relaxes all distancing and capacity restrictions and removes all limits on gathering sizes. Where there is a conflict between occupational-specific guidelines and this notice, the CDC guidance for specific industries and occupations should be followed.
Details are as follows:
- People who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear masks in indoor settings, including elevators.
- Vaccinated people who wish to wear masks may continue to do so.
- People who have not been vaccinated must continue to wear a mask.
- Distancing is no longer required, per CDC guidelines.
- Everyone entering the buildings including visitors, students, employees, faculty, vendors and research subjects must continue to use the daily COVID-19 screening form.
- Masks are required to ride the Smartway bus connecting Roanoke with Blacksburg and while using public transit in Roanoke or Blacksburg.
- Masks are required while visiting or working in health care facilities, including buildings on the Health Sciences and Technology campus that are frequented by Carilion Clinic patients. These areas where masks are still required include common spaces in 1 Riverside Circle and 3 Riverside Circle.
- All members of the Virginia Tech community who are not yet vaccinated are strongly encouraged to do so. Learn how to get your shot at or call 1-877-VAX-IN VA.
Moving forward, it’s important to recognize that some people will continue to wear masks in various settings, including those who are not mandated to do so. Some may have a condition that puts them at higher risk, while others are choosing to do so out of an abundance of caution. In these situations, it’s important to avoid making assumptions or ask for an explanation as it may impel someone to disclose medical information that they would rather keep confidential.
While we are reassured by the trends toward decreasing infections, hospitalizations and deaths, we will continue to be vigilant. A surge in positive symptom-screening or confirmed cases will likely trigger a return to the public health measures that are currently being relaxed.
Lee A. Learman, MD, PhD
Dean, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine