VTCSOM COVID update January 25, 2022

Special Notice as of January 25, 2022
Given the special circumstances of the Roanoke Region and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine's unique public-private partnership with Carilion Clinic, we have implemented the following measures specific to the college’s campus in Roanoke.
Dear M1 and M2 Classes, faculty and staff
I am sending this update regarding the M1 and M2 curricula and the decision to extend our prior guidance for an additional two weeks (January 31 – February 11). PBL and small group learning will continue in a virtual format. Our rationale is based on experience gained earlier in the pandemic and in alignment with Virginia Tech campus leadership. We learned that when our uniquely valuable small group learning experiences at VTCSOM cannot be conducted in-person with all members present, a fully virtual format is superior to hybrid. The two-week extension will provide time for affected students to complete their isolation periods and for the surge of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations for severe illness in our community to subside. The activities below will continue to be conducted in person.
Anatomy Lab
Instruction will continue in person with defined safety measures including PPE use as directed by Dr. McNamara.
Clinical Skills
Instruction and assessment will continue in person where standardized patients, students, and faculty have met appropriate COVID testing and where PPE use is employed. These includes the OSCE format and ultrasound instruction as well as simulation lab instruction under the direction of Dr. Tarin Schmidt-Dalton. [Note: LACE clinical sessions through February 11 will be cancelled due to risk outweighing benefit].
Students with research projects in FBRI labs may participate in person if they follow the established safety protocols for all students at FBRI. Students with research projects at other sites should contact Dr. Leslie LaConte if they feel they need to conduct research on-site. [Note: didactic sessions for the research domain will be virtual].
We hope that our next update in two weeks can signal a full return to in-person education. In the interim, please do all you can to stay safe.
Dean Lee Learman