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Summary of LEAC concerns and actions - 10/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

2023-24 Q2



During the 2023-24 academic year, the LEAC committee used a process for reviewing and addressing reports received by the LEAC committee.  The committee categorizes learning environment concerns into five categories:

A. Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were reviewed, and found egregious.

B. Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were reviewed and found not egregious.

C. Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not found.

D. Insufficient information to follow up on the incident.

E. Unprofessional behaviors that are not a learning environment violation were reported.

For October 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023, the LEAC committee reviewed and acted on concerns received through ONE 45 or BEACON.  The summary of concerns includes 0 Category A concerns, 3 Category B concerns, 3 Category C concerns, 0 Category D concerns, and 1 Category E concern.  The learning environment where the concerns occurred included:  Outside of formal classroom instruction (2), across multiple domains in Phase 1 (1), HSSIP (1), OBGYN Clerkship (1), Internal Medicine Clerkship (1), and Surgery Clerkship (1).

1. One concern was about perceived disparaging comments by a faculty member toward a staff individual during an outside-of-class-time meeting.  This was deemed Category B, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors, not egregious.  Dr. Gonzalo and Dr. Knight spoke with both the faculty and staff individuals involved.  Feedback on professional word and tone selection was provided.  Periodic checkups to assess further interactions will occur.

2. One concern was about the content of a potentially polarizing topic presented in lecture.  This was deemed Category C, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not found.  The lecturer noted their focus on data and that professional society guidelines on this and similar topics were referenced.

3. One concern was about a physician who was perceived as condescending and gossiped about team members.  This was deemed Category E, unprofessional behaviors that are not a learning environment violation.  The Program Director provided feedback to the individual.

4. One concern reflected three separate submissions which addressed the same event – the timing and content of an email being forwarded from VT administration to the VTCSOM community.  This related to the recent events in Israel and Palestine.  Committee discussion determined this not to be unprofessional but noted it could adversely impact the learning environment for some students.  A letter reflecting the committee’s discussion and findings was sent to Dean Learman.  Wording to revise Category C was crafted.  Please see below. * This was deemed Category C, revised version.

5. One concern was about the negative content and tone provided in a public setting by a faculty member to a group of students following a presentation.  This was deemed Category B, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were founded though not egregious.  After receiving feedback, the faculty member showed insight in how tone and content might be perceived.

6. One concern related to the tone and perceived negativity of a faculty member during a lecture.  This was deemed Category C, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not found.  Feedback was provided by the Clerkship Director.

7. One concern reflected three separate submissions related to similar student behavior of tardiness, absences, and disruptive conduct across several content domains.  This was deemed Category B, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors, not egregious.  Dr. Knight, Dr. Gonzalo, and other members of the Medical Education Team have met with involved students.  New milestones focused on professionalism and professional behavior are being piloted.

Respectfully submitted:

Rebecca R. Pauly, MD

Vice Dean

*Revised wording for Category C:

C.  Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not found:  the report was followed up and discussed by the committee.  A determination of mistreatment or unprofessional behavior was not made, either due to insufficient information to corroborate the report, or because the gathered information did not support a conclusion of mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors.  Reported concerns may have impacted the learning environment, though are not deemed a violation, even when no unprofessional behaviors are identified.  All concerns in category C have been shared with the individuals involved and/or their departments, including if the committee found that the learning environment was impacted. Reports in this category are not learning environment violations.