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Summary of LEAC concerns and actions 1/1/2024–3/31/2024

2023-24 Q3



During the 2023-24 academic year, the LEAC committee used a process for reviewing and addressing reports received by the LEAC committee. The committee categorizes learning environment concerns into five categories:

A: Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were reviewed and founded, egregious.

B: Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were reviewed and founded, not egregious.

C: Mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not founded though reported concerns may have impacted the learning environment but not resulting in a violation.

D: Insufficient information to follow up on the incident.

E: Unprofessional behaviors that are not a learning environment violation were reported.

For January 1, 2024–March 31, 2024 the LEAC committee reviewed and acted on concerns received through ONE 45 or BEACON. The summary of concerns includes 1 Category A concern, 1 Category B concern, 2 Category C concerns, 1 Category D concern, and 0 Category E concerns. The learning environment where the concerns occurred included: across multiple domains in Phase 1 (3), OBGYN Clerkship (1), and Radiology Clerkship (1).

1. One concern which reflected 4 different Beacon reports was about a student’s behavior during class. These were observed in different contexts and were thought to be disruptive and unprofessional. Dr. Gonzalo and Dr. Knight met on several occasions with the student who showed insight and resolve to improve. This was deemed Category A, unprofessional behavior founded and egregious.

2. One concern was about the tone of feedback given by a staff during the Phase 1 curriculum. Following investigation of the details, this was deemed Category C, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not founded.

3. One concern was about the content and tone of feedback given by a faculty during the Phase 1 curriculum. Clarification was requested and the faculty received feedback on word selection and possible interpretation of such word choices. Insight and awareness were demonstrated. This was deemed Category B, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were founded, not egregious.

4. One concern reflected interactions of a staff with students around expectations of dress on a clerkship. Improved communication by all for future rotations was proposed. This was deemed Category C, mistreatment or unprofessional behaviors were not founded.

5. One concern was about inappropriate words used by a staff which could be interpreted as racial. No specifics were given about the wording used or the person being identified as the concern. General information was given to the clerkship director regarding the concern and its potential to impact the learning and work environment. This was deemed Category D, insufficient information to follow up on the incident.

Respectfully submitted:

Rebecca R. Pauly, MD

Vice Dean