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Peer Educator Program

The curriculum at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine is rigorous and at times it is helpful to receive guidance from another student who has successfully journeyed through the material. Therefore, VTCSOM has a peer support program for all students to utilize as needed.

  • Peer educator services are free to the student receiving support. 
  • Peer educators are paid an hourly rate by VTCSOM. 
  • Most peer support is provided in group sessions. 
  • In the event a student requests one-on-one support, the process is private. Only individuals with a need to know are informed.

For Students Needing a Peer Educator

Students interested in receiving peer academic support can request to be paired with a peer educator by contacting Christie Neal, EdS, MEd. Peer educators are M2, M3, and M4 students employed by VTCSOM. Peer educators can review course topics, quiz students, and/or provide study resource and strategy guidance.

For Students Interested in Becoming a Peer Educator

  • Peer educators are hired by invitation through the Office of Academic Counseling and Enrichment Services each summer. Students are invited to become peer educators in the 2nd-, 3rd- and 4th-year of study.
  • Peer educators will receive annual orientation and training.

Peer Support Sessions

  • All students have the option to attend regularly offered peer support sessions.
  • Sessions are led by a current M2, M3, or M4 peer educator.
  • M1 group sessions are typically held Thursday evenings at 5:30.
  • M1 walk-in sessions are held Sundays from 12:30-2:30.
  • M2 group sessions are held twice per block (typically on Wednesday evenings).
  • All peer support sessions are free and optional.