Alpha Omega Alpha Induction 2017
April 19, 2017

Founded in 1902, Alpha Omega Alpha is the national medical honor society. This prestigious group recognizes excellence in scholarship and the highest ideals and professionalism in the medical profession. Up to 16 percent of a medical school’s class may be elected to the society. For the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, this means six of our students may be members each year – two from the third-years and four from the fourth-year students.

At its annual dinner recently, the group inducted six new members. Junior members inducted were: Caroline Reist and Scott Fligor. Senior members are Michael Gallagher, Hillary McClintic, Christopher McLaughlin, and Francis Bustos.

Two faculty members and two residents were also inducted this year. The newly inducted faculty members were Damon Kuehl, M.D. and Jonathan Carmouche, M.D. The two residents were Edward Orshansky, M.D. and Harry Lee Warren, M.D.