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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We commit to being a continuous learning organization that recognizes diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competency as essential to excellence.  While affirming our common humanity, we expect our learners, staff, and faculty to be sensitive to and respectful of the inherent dignity and worth of each individual in our community.  We embrace innovation in the pursuit of a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment that values open expression and mutual respect so that all may thrive.

Pathways to health care careers

Beyond Boundaries link to website

Pathways for K-12

Strategic Planning link to web page

Pathways for undergraduate students 


Initiatives and resources

Personal Wellness


Destination Areas link to website


Opportunities for engagement

Beyond Boundaries link to website


Strategic Planning link to web page

Faculty & Staff

About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

It has been said we learn the most from those with whom we have the least in common. Diversity enhances any learning experience and fosters a free exchange of ideas from different perspectives. That is why the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine embraces inclusion and diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. The school actively promotes an environment of inclusiveness and mutual respect within its doors as well as in the broader community. Its commitment to celebrating individual differences enhances its powerful, thought-provoking learning environment.

The school’s diversity policy includes students who are underepresented in medicine, First-generation college students and socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, also known as distance traveled.

Community, Culture and Diversity Calendar