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Faculty & Staff Engagement Opportunities

Faculty Development

VTCSOM Faculty Development implements programs to increase the advancement and success of outstanding and diverse faculty members.

Teaching Excellence Academy for Collaborative Healthcare (TEACH)

Teaching Excellence Academy for Collaborative Healthcare (TEACH) is a community of educators, fostering their development as teachers, learners, and education researchers.

TEACH's June 2023 Education Grand Rounds was:
Promoting an Anti-bias and Inclusive Curriculum: Concrete Tools Toward Excellence in Education and Clinical Care 
Presented by: Hetty Cunningham, MD

The presentation objectives were:
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Identify ways that inclusive curricula can bolster learning and clinical care
  • Name concrete methods to avoid transmission of bias in clinical practice and bedside teaching
  • List diagnostic and teaching tools for skin of color

Faculty and staff may download resources from the presentation and request a link to the video through TEACH. 

Resources and suggested reading

In collaboration with TEACH, we offer these resources and suggested readings for faculty.

Virginia Tech's Professional Development Network

Virginia Tech's Professional Development Network offers numerous courses related to inclusive practices and is open to all Virginia Tech staff and faculty with a VT PID. View the course calendar.


A series of discussions led by students about difference and identity. The discussions are intended to encourage students, faculty, staff, and the broader community to share their experiences, stories, questions, and apprehensions about the complicated issues of identity and differences.

Accessibility Resources