First TEACH Mentoring Advancement Program Participants Recognized
2022-23 T-MAP Cohort, pictured (L to R). Back row: Angelica Witcher Walker, PhD, MBA; Matthew Joy, MD; Ashley Gerrish, MD; Kristofer Rau, PhD; Serkan Toy, PhD, MEd, Avery Mahaney, MHA Front row: Virginia Powel, MD; Anita Kablinger, MD; Joshua Stodghill, DO; Anita Register, DO; Mary Wesley, DrPH, MPH; Sasha Rai, MD; Shari Whicker, EdD, MEd; Sarah Harendt, MS Not pictured: Murillo Adrados, MD; Jonathan Carmouche, MD; Kristin Eden, DVM, DACVP, PhD; Kiran Khalid, MD; Emily Nguyen, MD; Arthur Ollendorff, MD; Michael O’Malley, MD; Biraj Patel, MD; Abhishek Reddy, MD; Karen Sanders, EdD, MS; Daniel Tershak, Jr, MD; Anne Washofsky, DO; Alyssa Watkins, MD

2022-23 T-MAP Cohort, pictured (L to R). Back row: Angelica Witcher Walker, PhD, MBA; Matthew Joy, MD; Ashley Gerrish, MD; Kristofer Rau, PhD; Serkan Toy, PhD, MEd, Avery Mahaney, MHA
Front row: Virginia Powel, MD; Anita Kablinger, MD; Joshua Stodghill, DO; Anita Register, DO; Mary Wesley, DrPH, MPH; Sasha Rai, MD; Shari Whicker, EdD, MEd; Sarah Harendt, MS
Not pictured: Murillo Adrados, MD; Jonathan Carmouche, MD; Kristin Eden, DVM, DACVP, PhD; Kiran Khalid, MD; Emily Nguyen, MD; Arthur Ollendorff, MD; Michael O’Malley, MD; Biraj Patel, MD; Abhishek Reddy, MD; Karen Sanders, EdD, MS; Daniel Tershak, Jr, MD; Anne Washofsky, DO; Alyssa Watkins, MD
In Fall 2022, the Offices of Continuing Professional Development and VTCSOM Faculty Affairs, launched the TEACH Mentoring Advancement Program (T-MAP), a year-long mentoring program designed to support junior faculty, across departments, in their efforts to grow in their current roles and beyond. T-MAP is designed to foster the growth and connection of faculty through linking early career VTCSOM faculty members with mentors, encouraging networking across our academic health center, and providing seminars and self-guided resources to enhance the professional development of all participants. We took multiple mentoring concepts described throughout the literature (e.g., traditional dyads, near-peer, interdepartmental, intradepartmental) and combined them into one program to maximize the benefits for the participants. Through utilizing a Mentoring Circle concept, two departments are paired together with one mentor from each department working with 2-6 total mentees from those same departments.
Over the previous year, T-MAP mentors and mentees attended quarterly in-person sessions covering a variety of topics pertaining to career development and advancement, engaged in three or more in-person mentoring conversations with their Circles, and participated in four self-guided learning modules curated with participant-identified needs in mind.
Mentors and mentees earned digital badges and certificates for completing the T-MAP program.
Congratulations to the 2022-23 T-MAP Participants for this accomplishment!
Psychiatry and Pediatrics T-MAP Mentoring Circle
- Anita Kablinger, MD - Mentor
- Sasha Rai, MD - Mentee
- Abhishek Reddy, MD - Mentee
- Kiran Khalid, MD - Mentee
- Virginia Powel, MD - Mentor
- Anne Washofsky, DO - Mentee
- Emily Nguyen, MD - Mentee
OB/GYN and Surgery T-MAP Mentoring Circle
- Arthur Ollendorff, MD - Mentor
- Alyssa Watkins, MD - Mentee
- Anita Register, DO - Mentee
- Dan Tershak, MD - Mentor
- Matthew Joy, MD - Mentee
- Josh Stodghill, DO - Mentee
- Ashley Gerrish, MD - Mentee
HSIS, Basic Science Education, Radiology, and Orthopaedic Surgery T-MAP Mentoring Circle
Health Systems and Implementation Science
- Karen Sanders, MS, EdD - Mentor
- Angelica Witcher Walker, MBA, PhD - Mentee
- Mary Wesley, DrPH, MPH - Mentee
Basic Science Education
- Kristofer Rau, PhD - Mentee
- Kristin Eden, DVM, PhD - Mentee
- Serkin Toy, PhD, MEd - Mentee
- Biraj Patel, MD - Mentor
Orthopaedic Surgery
- Jonathan Carmouche, MD - Mentor
- Murillo Adrados, MD - Mentee
- Michael O’Malley, MD - Mentee