A Heavenly Adoption
Paul Varghese
Dedicated to all those who have been adopted like myself
Author’s Note: In addition, this is dedicated to all my teachers, including the physicians and faculty at Virginia Tech who have taught me the past four years; my Church, my joy (Calvary Memorial Church); my beloved mentors—fellow partakers with me of grace—the Jividens, Montoyas, Cordles, and Vaughans; and my God, to whom I belong and serve. I am profoundly grateful to all who have loved me enough to counsel, instruct, mentor, care for, correct, rebuke, and guide me in the Word.
As I peer back in time to recollect what You have done,
Grace is seen in every chapter, a story of providence.
So how do I respond? I consider what words may be drawn.
If I conquered all lands or prevailed over every enemy,
If I received any award or attained all knowledge,
Still, this would not be enough - it could never be a suitable offering.
The day I was born, I was deemed hopeless.
From a diseased body, my first breaths were brought forth.
Though without sense, I was consumed by a rotten nature.
A sheep without a shepherd, I was a child of wrath.
I wriggled in my own blood, a sight so abhorred.
No eye pitied me - there I laid and there I stayed.
Day by day, corrupt strongholds were raised.
A decomposing body, I swelled from bad to worse.
No friend comforted me, and only empty words were thrown at me.
A sickly orphan, condemned and alone. Who could ever want me?
Then You found me a worm, yet You had compassion.
Passing by my helpless state, I heard the word “Live!”
And I arose, my vision clear, my body unchained.
You took me as your own, and cleansed my infirmities.
A radiant garment You then gifted to clothe me.
An unusual garment, its fibers sewn by the cost of blood.
Its price, the life and death of Your very own Son.
Much more, in the spirit of adoption, He calls me brother.
How great this love, unmatched grace, unmerited favor,
You give me a reason to smile, to even have joy.
A living sacrifice, the answer is to live a life of gratitude.
Though everything fades away, this mortal body too,
I am claimed by a heavenly adoption, forever comforted.
One day, I will reach a home untouched by human hands.
I will rise again to call You my Father and my God.
You have spoken this truth and now I have tasted it,
That You are good even in matters of uncertainty.
Though I find myself in laughter or despair,
I know my times are in Your hands.
And when the day comes to say goodbye,
there I remain within Your grasp.
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
Romans 8:15