When Doctor Becomes Patient

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 890 2332 4395
URL: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/89023324395
Contact ocpd@carilionclinic.org
Evan Cohn, MD
Radiologist (Retired)
Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, TX
Dr. Evan Cohn will describe his ongoing journey with recovery and self-discovery as a survivor of a life-threatening illness. As he shares his story, participants will gain insight into how every member of the healthcare team and support from family are critically important to patient outcomes.
This event is open to all interested Carilion Clinic, VTC, and RUC physicians, faculty, residents, fellows, students, and other health professions learners and educators.
CME Accredited