Power to Heal at the Grandin
February 27, 2023

Monday, February 27
6 pm to 7:30 pm
Grandin Theatre
1310 Grandin Rd., S.W.
Roanoke, VA 24015
Contact Info
Dr. NL Bishop, nlbishop@carilionclinic.org
Briana Apgar, blapgar@carilionclinic.org
In observance of Black History Month, employees and students from Carilion, VTCSOM and RUC are invited to the showing of Power to Heal at The Grandin Theatre.
This hour-long documentary tells a poignant chapter in history about the struggle for equal and adequate access to health care for all Americans.
Physicians, civil rights leaders and historians recall dramatic incidents and desperate conditions of black families as they share the story of how starting Medicare helped to desegregate hospitals across the country in just a few months.
A Q&A session will follow the documentary.
The first 75 people through the door receive a free popcorn and drink!