Roanoke Star Trek

August 20, 2022
10:00 a.m.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
1 Riverside Circle
Roanoke, VA 24016
Contact Info
Elizabeth Costa at
This walk is sponsored by Radford University Carilion Student Affairs

Updated information - please read:
Sponsored by our friends at Radford University Carilion, all Roanoke-based Virginia Tech students are invited to join other students as we hike to the top of Mill Mountain! We will meet in front of Riverside 1 at 10am and take the Greenway to Blue Cow Ice Cream. From there, we will meet up with our colleagues from Radford University Carilion and walk to the base of Mill Mountain, where our water stop will be. We will take the Monument Trail and then the Star Trail to the top. It is approximately 4 miles round trip with an elevation gain of 636 ft. At the top, we will take a group photo and enjoy refreshments (water, Gatorade, granola bars, and ice cream).
Wear your TBMH, FBRI, VTCSOM, or VT shirts to represent!
Join our colleagues from Radford University Carilion as they welcome the new students and take on the well-known and moderately strenuous Star trail for a fun day of fellowship and ICE CREAM!
The hike will take about two hours and the distance is around 2 miles to the top. Please contact Elizabeth Costa if you have any questions.