Video discussion: Black Men in White Coats
February 25, 2021

February 25, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
- Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Auditorium - Room 203
(VTCSOM faculty staff and students) - Or watch online and participate Zoom
(open to the public)
Registration required to obtain video pass or participate in person
[Speaker 1]: We need more black men in white coats because we need to save the lives of more black men. Period.
[Speaker 2]: There were fewer black men applying to medical school in 2014 than in 1978.
- Who's responsible?
- How do we fix it?
- What if we don't?
[Speaker 3]: There are several medical schools that do not have any black men in their classrooms. When that is the case and we are in a learning environment, there is going to be different conclusions made about how to care for people, if there are not diverse people around the table.
[Speaker 4]: You need to care about your fellow man and woman, otherwise we all suffer. The reason why white people white women should care about diversifying workforce which includes black men, it makes it better for all of us.
[Speaker 5]: Historically the system wasn't designed for black men to succeed.
[Speaker 6]: My mom, on and off drugs, in and out of jail my whole life. and becoming an orthopaedic spine surgeon, if I can do it, and come from that environment, and everything I went through, I think you can also.
[Speaker 7, Former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams]: There are little black boys out there who see me on TV, who see me in this role, and who may not have ever thought they could be a doctor, much less surgeon general. I can do that too.
[Speaker 8]: We're approaching this as though it's a problem, versus realizing that we have a crisis on our hands.
[Director]: What's the impact if this problem doesn't change?
[Speaker 9]: Black people are going to continue dying.
Documentary: Black Men in White Coats
Movie will be followed by a discussion lead by our new Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Azziza (Kemi) Bankole
Movie Synopsis: Less black men applied to medical school in 2014 than in 1978 and black men have the lowest life expectancy in the United States. With only 2% of American doctors being black men, this comes as no surprise. This documentary dissects the systemic barriers preventing black men from becoming medical doctors and the consequences on society at large.
Health care accounts for nearly 20% of the United State’s GDP and a significant portion of that is driven by disparities in a system that lacks diverse physicians. What if we had a medical workforce that actually reflected our patient population? What challenges do our black boys face? Who are their role models? Why is it easier to visualize a black man in an orange jumpsuit than it is in a white coat? What’s happening in society that more black women are becoming doctors while black men are stagnant? WHOSE FAULT IS IT? It’s time to end this CRISIS and get more BLACK MEN IN WHITE COATS?
How to participate: People have a choice of watching on their own between February 23 and February 25 or, anyone with a current 2 Riverside Circle proxy card to come join us at a public viewing in the auditorium on February 25 at 3:00pm. We will have a discussion after the session on February 25, accessible on Zoom.
Registration required to obtain video pass or participate in person