InclusiveVTCSOM Task Force Report

I am pleased to present to you the final report from the Inclusive VTCSOM Task Force. The Task Force was launched last fall to review the that state of the School with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to propose short- and long-term strategies supporting transformational change. The participants in this effort were organized into a steering committee and 7 working groups. More than 100 strong they included students, residents, faculty, staff, administrators and community members bringing diverse perspectives to this historic initiative for our school.
The scope and intensity of this effort has culminated in a thoughtful report memorializing our process, highlighting 15 key recommendations, and summarizing the themes and specific recommendations emerging from each working group. The executive summary and body of the report are linked here.
My colleagues in the dean’s office are currently reviewing the report in detail with an eye toward identifying recommendations that can move forward immediately, and those requiring additional time or resources. The steps we will undertake next are summarized in the second attachment and will culminate in a Town Hall meeting in the last half of March, allowing us sufficient time to identify the first initiatives to move forward and timelines for the other recommendations. We will approach the work ahead with a shared commitment to enduring impact. We will communicate with transparency and accountability as we address the changes needed to become a transforming institution.
On behalf of a grateful medical school I send my heartfelt thanks to all of you who served on the Task Force, its steering committee and working groups. Special recognition is due our medical students for being engaged in every aspect of this work, and our task force co-chairs and Karen Sanders for assuring a comprehensive and informative report was completed by February 1. Thank you for entrusting your recommendations to us for implementation, and for joining us on the journey ahead!
Lee Learman, MD, PhD