#VTCUnfinished: “Unpacking 2020”
October 29, 2020

October 29, 2020, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Badr Ratnakaran, MD, Resident in Psychiatry
Trish White-Boyd, Roanoke City Council Member
Student Commons, M210
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

A discussion facilitated by physicians and community leaders with moderation by student leaders of the Student National Medical Association, the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association and the Refugee and Immigrant Medical Association.
The focus of the event will be to provide a brave space where students can reflect on themes and events that occurred in the past year including diversity in medicine, systemic racism, and injustices. The discussions will be facilitated by a local physician and a community leader with moderation by student leaders of SNMA, APAMSA, and RIMA. The aim is to provide an opportunity for participants to engage in two small-group discussions. One group will address recent events including, but not limited to, the Black Lives Matter movement, police brutality, and anti-Asian sentiment due to COVID-19. The other small group discussion will concentrate on how racism affects us as future physicians and our patient care, examining topics such as implicit biases, cultural/structural competency, and the role that physicians have in mitigating racism and processing trauma.