That’s a wrap. Bodies and Bites closes out another successful season

A sincere thank you to everyone who participated in the Spring 2023 series of Bodies & Bites at the West End Center for Youth! The 4th and 5th graders had a blast learning about the senses of smell, taste, vision, hearing, and touch, while making harmonicas out of popsicle sticks, doing blind taste tests, playing cornhole with prismatic lens goggles, experimenting with two-point discrimination, and many more hands-on activities.
As always, the healthy snacks made with the kids were (mostly) a hit, with the banana oatmeal pancakes being the star of the series.
“These experiences can be very formative in developing skills to communicate complex concepts in science and medicine that can be understood by a lay audience,” said Kris Rau, basic science education, who organizes the event.

A big thanks to the medical students who participated:
Class of 2023
- Celine Marlin Andrews
Class of 2024
- Sarah Kremer
Class of 2026
- Lily Brouwer
- Sydney Dinn
- Alexis Dowiak
- Liz Gienger
- Kelly Gordon
- Adriana Irizarry
- Uma Kelavkar
- Parsa Khaksar
- Roger Luong
- Varun Mishra
- Sofia Montes
- Marie Rhoads
- Juliet Suen
- Alyssa Sze
- Collin Tanchanco Ocampo
- Thisha Thiagarajan
- Jessica Urbanczyk
- Jacqueline Urdang
- Katie Voegtlin, and
- Dana Wang
Also thank you to Mary Frazier, Kavya Iyer, and Emma Leslie from FBRI/TBMH for their assistance.
VTCSOM faculty to be recognized: Mary Wesley and Kristofer Rau.