Art Show Reception: Experience Black Love
June 15, 2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA 24016
The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Creativity in Health Education Program invites you to a reception and gallery tour celebrating our 2022 spring exhibit, Experience Black Love, celebrating the works and contributions of our local and regional artists of color. Artworks reflect the concept of experiencing Black love in your community, family, school, or self.
About the Exhibit
“Experience Black Love” is a collaboration between VTCSOM, the Perspective Gallery at the Squires Student Center, Africana Studies and Women’s Gender Studies programs, and the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) at Virginia Tech.
The show is comprised of collaborative group work and individual work by people who are, and are not, professional artists; and all of the artwork reflects the concept of experiencing Black love in the artists’ community, family, school, or self. We accepted only positive, reflective, and affirming visual art created to help us move forward as a society.
Anchoring the exhibit are original artworks by Tykeisha Swan Patrick, an emerging Black artist whose work in her words “represents collective memory and new experiences.” Her artwork sets the tone for the exhibit which also includes submissions from a variety of local artists, work by K-12 regional school-aged students, and submissions from Virginia Tech students, faculty, and staff.
With questions, or for special accommodations call or email Courtney Powell at 540-293-1239 or
Dr. Trinkle promotes the art show on WYTI radio
Listen to this interview between Dr. David Trinkle and Carl Castillo to learn more about this art show.
[CARL CASTILLO]: Very special guest on the line, fingers crossed. Dr. David Trinkle with Virginia Tech. He has got such a resume. I just cannot go through the stuff all and get the interview in as well, but he's Associate Dean for Community and Culture, full Professor at [Virginia] Tech Carilion School of Medicine, practicing geriatric psychiatrist also. So three terms on city council, Roanoke and whole bunch of other stuff. How are you doing today?
[DAVE TRINKLE]: I'm doing great. I hope you are.
[CARL CASTILLO]: Okay. Great. I'm glad you're here. Now we got to show that we're promoting here. Now. First of all, how does health care and medicine relate to the show in question, which is coming up at the [Virginia] Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Roanoke April 4th called Experience Black Love?
[DAVE TRINKLE]: Yes. Yes. For since the opening of doors, that's the medical school about 11 years ago, we have really felt that it’s important to showcase local artists and make sure that the faculty, the medical students and researchers all in the building here in Roanoke, understand how art and humanities really play a big factor in the delivery of medicine. That particular show, is part about our Black History Month impetus. The show is called Experience Black Love and it doesn’t come out till April, but this is show really came out of a lot of work the medical school did on race, racial equity, and justice. And really want to make sure we impart that to the medical students and really get an understanding of population health and special populations, racial equity, and the history here in Roanoke as well. This show is actually coming out of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, out from the Perspective Gallery. That's a collaborative effort. Again, it's titled Experience Black Love and it’s really just showcasing artwork that demonstrates Black Love and in our community and families and schools and self. That's really a positive, reflective, and affirming visual art show.
[CARL CASTILLO]: I'm hoping that people understand that because as we get down to budget cutting time and things like that, it turns out that, Oh, arts maybe not necessary, but I think that's part of everything else. STEM. With the arts in it, right?
[DAVE TRINKLE]: Yeah, absolutely. And it's part of the healing process too. I mean, we’ve got medicine, we’ve got surgery, we’ve got treatments but wellness and staying well and recovery, art and humanities and being able to enjoy life and being able to observe life and understand the world around you. That's all part of the healing process as well.
[CARL CASTILLO]: Now how do we get people involved in this? They still have time to submit work. Don't say it's I think there's a deadline coming up very shortly though.
[DAVE TRINKLE]: Yes we have the artwork come in from that Perspective Gallery, which featuring Tykeisha Swan Patrick with her which artwork and Perspective Gallery. We also are working very closely with Brian Hancock, who is a Carilion artist in residence who is helping with the show as well. And he, he'll be bringing sort of spoken word and music into the opening, which is April 28. But for the next, really until March 18th, March 20th, we are taking artwork, and we have really put a call out to the community and hoping the community will submit artwork around the theme of experiencing black love. They can do that by emailing Courtney Powell, her email is cbrakes. cbrakes, like it sounds brakes at
[CARL CASTILLO]: So what type of work is she looking for, or is the group looking for here, what would encompass this? It is a two-dimensional, three-dimensional, is it visual? Is it I guess the whole gamut?
[DAVE TRINKLE]: Yea the whole gamut again it just needs to be positive and reflective and affirming of Black love in the community. And, and, yeah, you don't have to be an artist. If you have something or have created something and a lot about the creative things during the pandemic that we wouldn't have done.
[CARL CASTILLO]: Yea, totally.
[DAVE TRINKLE]: Anything, anything is welcome and we really hope the community jumps in and participates with the show coming, with Patrick’s artwork coming from Blacksburg.
[CARL CASTILLO]: So I assume that people would send their digital images to Courtney at her email address.
[DAVE TRINKLE]: That's right. They can send digital image or even at the email or describe the piece and then we can get the image later. But again that’s c-brakes-at-vt-dot-edu.
About our Collaborators
This exhibit is the continuation and expansion of Experience Black Love, a community created exhibit curated by Robin Scully, art program director of the Perspective Gallery located at the Virginia Tech Squires Student Center in Blacksburg.
Tykeisha Swan Patrick designed original artwork for the Perspective Gallery exhibit and will be our featured artist as well. We are asking the Roanoke community to be inspired by Tykeisha’s artistic vision of Black love and create their unique response to her insights for the new show we are building at Carilion.
Carilion Artist in Residence, and creator/director of open mic poetry show Soul Sessions, Bryan Hancock (aka Harvest Blaque), is working both on the show, and the creation of programming (spoken word and music) that will expand on and enhance the themes of this exhibit. Watch for upcoming dates and times!
Statement about accessibility and accommodation
The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible event. All virtual events will have automated captions. Recorded events will have edited captions available soon after the event. If you desire live captioning or a sign language interpreter, please contact the organizer two weeks before the event.
For in-person events, the main VTCSOM building at Riverside 2 is wheelchair accessible from the elevators inside the parking garage. Blind or visually impaired users may need assistance finding the elevators under the building, or using the stairs in front of the building.
If you need a reasonable accommodation to attend an in-person event, please contact the organizer of the event. All reasonable accommodation requests should be made no less than 2 weeks before the event. We will attempt to fulfill requests made after this date but cannot guarantee they will be met.