Active Minds Club

Student Leadership
Velu Krishnan
Dulguun Mygmarsuren
Faculty Mentor
Emily Holt Foerst
Jennifer Slusher
Note: contact information for student leaders and faculty mentors is available for current students only.
As medical students we are the future of medicine. Currently burnout plagues our profession and physicians commit suicide at twice the rate of the general population. The field is making strides to address the mental health of physicians, but it is up to us to carry that momentum forward. This club aims to build a community that prioritizes mental health and provides us with the tools to help ourselves, our peers, and our patients.
Our Mission
- To increase mental health awareness at VTCSOM and within the community
- De-stigmatize help-seeking and educate peers about the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders
- Promote resources that could aid individual needs
- Raise funds for mental health education and resources through the Active Minds national office
About the Active Minds National Organization
- Founded in 2003 after the founder lost her brother to suicide.
- Now a nationwide non-profit organization
- 550 student led chapters
- Present in over 800 schools, communities, and work places.
“Active Minds brings to mental health what no other organization can — the voice of young people who are disproportionately affected by mental illnesses and the way mental health is addressed on campuses and in society at large.”