VTC Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association

Note: contact information for student leaders and faculty mentors is available for current students only.
Group contact Info
Instagram: @VTC_APAMSA
The Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association (APAMSA) is a national organization of medical and pre-medical students committed to addressing the unique health challenges of Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities.
APAMSA serves as a forum for student leaders to engage these health issues and develop initiatives and projects addressing those needs. The local, regional, and national activities of APAMSA aim to promote the health of the APIA community and to help healthcare workers understand how to care for APIA patients in a culturally sensitive manner.
Finally, APAMSA provides an important venue for medical students to meet, exchange experiences, and develop personally and professionally through leadership and service.
VTC APAMSA Mission/Vision
- To promote the dissemination of information relative to Asian Pacific American issues in the field of medical education;
- To explore and possibly resolve the unique challenges, obstacles, and responsibilities specific to Asian Pacific American medical students and physicians;
- To provide opportunities for Asian Pacific American medical students to give back to their community(i.e.) through service.
- To represent Asian Pacific Americans as a group within the health care community at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine.
- To be a resource for information on matters related to Asian Pacific Americans.
- To provide a forum for discussion of issues concerning Asian Pacific Americans in health care.
Core initiatives
- Community Outreach
Assisting recent immigrants from Asian countries & other uninsured members of the community to find primary care physicians - Hepatitis Initiative
National APAMSA Hepatitis Project is a successful project on advocating for API communities by fighting HBV and HCV - Social Events
Bringing together students from the medical community & fosters a close-knit community within the school as a support system - Advocacy
Addressing Hepatitis B, mental health, domestic violence, etc. within the Asian American community
Past Events
- #VTCUnfinished
- Harm Reduction Coalition Training
- Hepatitis B Screening Clinic
- Hepatitis C Awareness Day
- Lunch talks on book readings